簡僖進為本地聲音藝術家及環境錄音師。2017年畢業於香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修音響系統設計。2018年開展大自然聲音計劃《AK IN KK – Nature Field Recording HK》(https://akinkk.com)以聲音地圖和聲音存庫,記錄香港大自然的聲音景觀,以自然聲音及聆聽經驗為創作主軸,把山嶺流水分享到城市的耳朵,喚醒公眾對聲音的關注,用另一個角度認識自己所居住的地方,保存香港不同物種的聲音。
近年亦活躍於劇場、藝術項目及生態相關之合作活動,亦為Quiet Parks International的香港代表,致力推動寂靜保育。
A captivating blend of the tangible and the virtual. Visitors interact with an art installation that blurs the lines between physical and digital spaces.
Suspended textural panels illuminated with dynamic light projections. The interplay of light and shadow creates an ethereal atmosphere.
A laser's fine beam, a scribe of light, carves the participants' words into the reborn texture of handmade paper.
Viewers don VR headsets, stepping into Kachi Chan's "Gaze," an immersive world of interactive mixed reality.
A captivating blend of the tangible and the virtual. Visitors interact with an art installation that blurs the lines between physical and digital spaces.
Suspended textural panels illuminated with dynamic light projections. The interplay of light and shadow creates an ethereal atmosphere.
A laser's fine beam, a scribe of light, carves the participants' words into the reborn texture of handmade paper.
Viewers don VR headsets, stepping into Kachi Chan's "Gaze," an immersive world of interactive mixed reality.
Decode 1.0
A journey into the heart of art’s new frontier concluded, yet the echoes of ArtTech’s transformative power remain. We traversed virtual landscapes, engaged with cutting-edge technology, and discovered the boundless potential at the intersection of creativity and code. The experience was a catalyst, igniting new perspectives and inspiring further exploration.