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Decode 1.0 Workshop–Transforming Objects Into Speakers

Decode 1.0 Workshop-Wong Chun Hoi-Web Banner
Decode 1.0 Workshop-Wong Chun Hoi-Mobile Banner

In this workshop, we will explore an uncommon type of speaker—the Transducer loudspeaker (a sound exciter). We will discover how it serves as a tool for showcasing sound creation, anchoring it within physical spaces. Participants will experience the vibrations produced by placing sound exciters on various objects, turning them into resonant speakers. Together, we will reflect on the unique physicality of sound as a medium.



Wong Chun Hoi

No. of participants:

Conducted in Cantonese

Workshop – Transforming Objects into Speakers

The unseen made visible: our workshop on transducer loudspeakers unveiled the physicality of sound. Participants touched the vibrations, felt the resonance, and discovered a new dimension to the art of listening. The echoes remain, a testament to the power of tangible sound.